Welcome to our page about Netti & Peter.
There is a lot we can say about this lovely couple, but we will try to keep it short.
Netti & Peter have been with us now for many years, and they have for the most part fallen into the position of our Head Merchandisers. You can always find at least one of them, if not both, at our Merchandise stall. And they are just amazing. Peter could probably sell a fridge to an Eskimo, which is surprising, considering how quiet he is. We always have a laugh with Peter, but to our Knowledge he doesn’t tell any jokes ! And Netti, well when she is not with her husband on the Merchandise Stall, you will probably find her dragging either one of the band, …… or heinzie, by the ear from the bar to get us back to work. A lovely woman, Netti is very friendly, and always eager to help anyone who needs it. if you can’t find Netti at the Merchandise Stall, she’s probably at the bar with one of the others, making up for the fact that her husband doesn’t drink !
We love Netti & Peter, and we are sure you will too. Make sure to come up and say hello !